"South Texas Flight" 30" x 36" oil/board Solo Show Brush with Nature -InSight Gallery
The time flew by in preparation for this show, Brush with Nature. I focused on the light. Capturing light was an early pursuit, and I wanted it to be the core element of the show.
The Longhorn painting "Blessed with Good Rain' is about soft light and tranquility. It also touches on the importance of the water, historically a concern for the West. The first paintings tended to focus on shadows and soft light. "South Texas Flight" bobwhite quail burst into full light, as did the elk painting "Gentle Persuasion". The title is a play on words about the bull's assertive persistence. I always start with the landscape, but wildlife is the driving force. "Brush Country Formal" was a treat to paint. I thought of the tom turkey in all his regalia and his supporting cast as if they were in a western barn dance of time gone by. The show was Insightful. I wish I had another month or year to get to some of the other paintings, but I'm thankful for the deadlines and the opportunity! Hope to see you at the show! Brush with Nature - InSight Gallery - April 5 Comments are closed.